James Patterson & Brendan DuBois... Blow Back
We had the very first meeting of the MYlife Book Club last night! There were only a few of us, but we had a great laugh and some fab conversation, and we even got around to talking about books!
We've started nice and easy with a James Patterson book... Blow Back...
This is what the blurb says...
He's America's most brilliant president ever. He's also a psychopath. President Keegan Barrett swept into office on his success as director of the CIA. Six months into his first term, he devises a clandestine power grab with a deadly motive: Revenge. President Barrett personally orders Special Agents Liam Grey and Noa Himel to execute his plan, but their loyalties are divided. As CIA agents they've sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all threats, both foreign and domestic.When the threat comes directly from the Oval Office, that's where the blowback begins.
No doubt- like most James Patterson books- it will be a bit of a page-turner.
We're going to read the book over the next few weeks. Then we're going to get together and see if we all liked it or hated it! The next Book club is Tuesday 20th June at 5.30! Why not come along?
We'd love to see you there!
PS. Get the book from the library so that it won't cost you anything!