Which Beatle was barefooted...and other questions!

On the famous Beatles album cover (you know, the one with them on the zebra crossing outside Abbey Road studios), which Beatle was bare footed??

I'll tell you the answer at the end but it's just a wee bit like one of the questions in the monthly MYlife quiz. The quiz is online and is free to come along.

We usually have 6 rounds... always a music round. This month it was a Beat The Intro round, with a mix of golden oldies and some more recent big hits!

We also always have an On This Day round, a Specialist round (this month it was Art and Literature!) and a General Knowledge round.

We throw in a couple of extra rounds... sometimes a picture round... Although this month it was an Observation round. We showed a minute clip from a film and asked questions about it (like, what colour hat was the woman wearing in the background. It turned out, it was red!)

As the quiz is online, we use Google Meet, which is really easy to use. It's very similar to Zoom or Teams. If you're worried about that, then click here for a guide to Meet. Or pop in on a Monday Drop-in and we can show you!

If you are not online and you'd like to be but don't have the right kit or even internet access, please speak to Lynsey as we might be able to help with that too!

So why do we do it??

Well, there's no prize. Absolutely hee-haw, so it's not for that! We don't even really worry about the points (although Lynsey does get a wee bit competitive!).

It's just a bit of fun. We have a wee natter at the beginning and a good laugh as we go through the answers. Occasionally, we even learn something! ( Did you know that Swaziland had changed its name to Eswatini in 2018? Nope, me neither!) Every day's a school day and all that!!

The quiz is a partnership event with MYsocial in Lambeth, London, so we get to meet folk from another place, which is good fun too!

Why don't you try it... it's usually the last Thursday of every month. We'd love to see you there!

Oh, and it was Paul McCartney who was barefooted. Bet you thought it would be John!

Look forward to seeing you at the next one!

MYlife is a service provided by Ardgowan Hospice, which is registered in Scotland under charity number SC011541, and company number SC075515 at 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS.
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