Our Core Values

MYlife is open to adults in Inverclyde who have been bereaved. 

MYlife is inclusive, and encourages as many people as possible to become members.

At the heart of MYlife is our calendar of events with a range of offline and online events. 

There are events where members can increase their levels of physical activity, e.g.,  tai chi, chair exercise, and walking groups. 

We host events that inform and challenge our thinking.  

We have opportunities for members to engage culturally with activities such as trips to the theatre, galleries, gigs and getting to know our part of the world.  

We have space on the calendar for learning, enabling members to learn new skills or rediscover old ones!

Whilst we have events in real life, we want to develop our online events to encourage people to stay connected despite the wonderful West of Scotland weather and the inevitable early dark nights. 

Our calendar needs to accommodate for members commitments and availability, with events not only being 9.00-5.00 or during the week. We have events over the weekend and some evenings.  Additionally, we must be sensitive to the fact that many people struggle over public holidays, especially Christmas and New Year. 

All events should be hosted

Members should have someone to welcome them and introduce them to others. We actively encourage members to be hosts. We also have volunteers who are hosts for some events. 

Small events are the norm.

We deliberately limit numbers for most events to create an environment that enables people to connect with each other and develop friendships. While some key events are open to a large crowd (e.g., parties), we have learned that restricting events to 10-12 people creates such an environment.


We are committed to providing at least a third of events free to members and another third under a tenner. 

Every event should make a difference!

We try to ensure that MYlife impacts members’ lives and will look to record this in several ways. We strive for every event or activity to have a positive impact on members’ health and well-being.  We will also use an annual membership survey. 


MYlife is not all about what we provide for Members but also has opportunities for Members to contribute their time, skills, talents and gifts to benefit other members and the wider community. We co-invent opportunities to contribute and give back. 

MYlife is a service provided by Ardgowan Hospice, which is registered in Scotland under charity number SC011541, and company number SC075515 at 12 Nelson Street, Greenock, PA15 1TS.
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